Buttercup Squash!

Buttercup Squash!

This year, we planted 4 buttercup seeds in our greenhouse in the middle of April - it was a cold start to the spring but eventually they seeds germinated and voila! 4 squash plants ready to go.

We planted them all around the property, one along a 40 ft wire fence, one in the corner of the asparagus plant and two nestled in with the red and black currant bushes.

By the end of the summer, each plant had grown HUGE one of them was 25ft along the fence! We got a yield of about 35 squash from the four plants!

I am finding that there are actually so many recipes to make with this type of versatile squash!

Here are a few links to some of my favourites:

Maple roasted buttercup

Butternut & chickpea salad (works with butter cup too!)


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